
Illustrative course outlines

At OTC we believe in tailoring our courses to meet each client’s specific requirements.  The illustrative course outline below gives an indication of the type of course content that we’ve been asked to deliver. For more information call us on +44 20 7700 3330 or email

Strategy & Leadership Finance & Commerce Investment Banking

Presentation skills

What is covered?

The aim of the course is to enhance participants’ skill and confidence in delivering a business presentation.  The course includes extensive practice and tips for success.  Participants should come prepared to present and receive constructive criticism!

Who will benefit?

Anyone aiming to improve the way they communicate with an audience through a business presentation.  The course can be tailored to the amount of relevant experience of participants.  Note: there is also an advanced communication and presentation course available.

Course content

  • Identifying the message
  • Knowing the audience and identifying “what’s in it for you?”
  • Structuring the presentation – different options
  • Making yourself comfortable – top ten tips for success
  • What can go wrong? – planning for the unexpected
  • Skills practice and Q&A


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